To PhD or not to PhD...'tis the question

A bright and glorious Thursday morning to my faithful readers and fellow bloggers. From the title of my post, those of you that know me well probably realize that my mind has been drifting once again; too much involuntary neuron activity isn't healthy you know! Anyhow, I had a meeting a few days ago with my old advisor. Much talk about potential grants that may be mutually beneficial to both of us. The research area that he and I both share a common interest in is all but dead. How can you convince a world of Information Technologists that the portability of software is truly a necessary area of study [speaking of which, I just had a great idea for a potential research project, lemme write it down and get back to the blog].

OK, I'm back. I think I might have just answered the above question...let's see what my research advisor thinks. Anyhow, we were talking about When I was going to do my PhD. Of course, my thought was like, "huh? me do a PhD?" Anyhow, flash-forward to this morning, me driving to work and thinking about my doctorate. Arrrgh! Now I want to do it, but time and fear seem to be my two biggest enemies. With respect to time, I teach 5 days a week and most of the classes that I have to take are held during the time that I'm expected to be at work. In addition to that, I work an hour away from the university where I would be pursuing my PhD (i.e. my alma mater), so skipping out for an hour is a little bit out of the question. The good thing is that the school I work at is actually willing to pay for my doctorate, but I have to go to my alma mater. Oh what a tangled web we weave!

The question is do I quit my job, go back to school, and spend another 2-3 years trying for a PhD that I may not actually get. Oh yeah, this is where the fear part comes in. See, I have a bunch of qualifier exams to take which are based on things that I haven't seen since I was a freshman (or ever before, for that matter!). I have three attempts in which to pass the qualifiers, or else I'm kicked out of the program. Now, if I do get over the qualifiers hurdle (shudder), I will have to take 6 courses at the PhD level (discussed above) and then take a set of comprehensive examinations based on those courses. Once I get over that fence, I have to come up with a dissertation proposal and present it to my committee. If it gets approved, I'll then move into the research phase (which is not a problem for me), followed by the dissertation writeup, and finally the defense of the work in an open forum of my peers. The last stages are fine, its just the stress of the coursework that has me pulling my hairs out.

Aside from those obstacles I described, I do not necessarily desire to impoverish myself any longer than I have to. Additionally, the ability to pay bills without worrying where the money is coming from is a freedom that I truly cherish each and every day since I started working! So, here I am, suffering for my passion, yet not wanting to give up the creature comforts and pseudo-stability that I now feel in my current position. Oh well, who knows what the future will bring, and how my mind will rationalize things in the next couple months, so we'll have to see what we'll see...



Anonymous said…
I wish I would have been informed enough to have stayed in school when I was young. I could have been Prime Minister!! SMILE!! Go for it!!!!
Jdid said…
dog, the question should be in the longrun is the Phd going to be benefitial to you in your field or benefitial enough to outweigh what you have to put into the program to get it. Will you get that much more credibility or increase in salary to make it worth it.

I've been getting alot of pressure about the Phd thing for the last couple of years and I should really look at it seriously too but to be honest I dont think the benefits of a Phd would be that great to me in this field unless I plan on teaching.

Oh and if you do go for it dont let the fear thing be a factor. You can do it. Think of all the folk you know that you're smarter than who have Phds and then realize that if they can do it you can do it too.

Oh finally added you to my blogroll, sorry for the delay but its been hectic.
Abeni said…
Face your fears and go for it.At least you already got the funding covered.
Desiree said…
You know best if you can do it... sure, there would be some fear - but, you know what kind of results you get from your studies and if you have the right kind of study habits to do it. The time away (from work and income) would be difficult, but leaving your current position to do it could in the end be one of the best things you ever did for yourself! All the best to you as you ponder your future!
Anonymous said…
A very difficult decision AD, like everyone else said, you have to weigh the pros and cons of going after the Phd. Don't get hung up on fear....that is your own self telling you that it is impossible....just KNOWknow
Anonymous said…
A very difficult decision AD, like everyone else said, you have to weigh the pros and cons of going after the Phd. Don't get hung up on fear....that is your own self telling you that it is impossible....just KNOW that you can do it and you will pull out the big guns to tackle the job.
Anonymous said…
Ok, so now two of us bloggers in the Caribbean bloggers collective are pondering the PHd thing. Me, I just have my masters, but I'm happy with that. Still, Dog, you will do the right thing, whatever that is... just keep on blogging, whatever your decision is.

Thus spake Mad Bull
Yamfoot said… been reading my blog!
Anyway, ask yourself these questions.

"What would I like to be doing in 5 years time?"
"Do I need a PhD to do that? Will a PhD help me greatly?"

The answers will give you the answers to whether you should PhD or not.
Anonymous said…
The only people I think who should pursue PhD's are persons in academia. You are there, and you seem to be enjoying it, so therefore, go for it! My understanding is that you also have the encouragement and funding - which is all the support you really need. I personally would stay in school my whole life if I could afford it! (Kinda a Peter Pan thing...) 2 masters down, and looking for the next challenge! The fear factor is the healthy part - it means you are giving the decision the weighty consideration it needs.
Princess P
Anonymous said…
I think you should go for it rude bwoy....I know you can handle it. Don't delay, you are young, the time will pass quickly! Dr. D.