Tomorrow I turn 29. Somehow, I don't mind that number too much. I'm not even worried about hitting age 30. It's just surprising that the years went by so quickly. Mentally, I don't think I've changed too much since age 21...except that I'm a little bit more jaded with life and people in general AND I have more responsibilities. I don't feel that much differently physically....except that I have packed on a few pounds and it's not as easy to get out of bed anymore. There's a snow storm approaching tonight and I won't be able to go to Delaware to spend my special day with my special lady (I miss you Pebbles)...but I suppose I'll just have to make do with a little cake, some good music, and a few phone calls. Have a great weekend all and Happy Birthday to me!

'Nuff Said


Tooomz said…
An early Happy Birthday to you! Sorry you can't spend your day with Pebbles but hope you have a good day nevertheless. *huGz*
Jdid said…
happy birthday my yout
Unknown said…
Enjoy yuh special day! Go have some fun.
Abeni said…
happy bday AD
Yamfoot said…
happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you....hope it was fun inspite of the snow and no Pebbles.
Rev Island said…
Happy belated 29, my dawg.
Mad Bull said…
Happy belated, rude bwoy...
CoolDestiny said…
Happy Belated Birthday AD!! Hope it was good although you couldn't be with P.
Scratchie said…
Happy belated...hope you enjoyed it.