A Li'l Post

Is it Monday already? Say it isn't so! Oh well, I really don't have anything to complain about today. Thank God for life, love, a decent job, and food! It is a little bit rainy here, but thank the Lord it's not snowing and the temperature is high enough to prevent ice from forming on the roads.

JDid, you were right, now that the arm hairs are growing back, it itches nuh rass! I must say that I really like the new hairless look and I'm probably going to shave them again. Yes to your comment on my last post CoolDestiny.

Woke up this morning filled with the intention of doing a little bit of yoga, unfortunately those plans were set aside because I needed to finish preparing a class which I should've really prepared on the weekend but didn't feel like. Fortunately most of my class preps are done and I'm now free to kick back and relax in office until the next student crisis or class-time (whichever comes first). The yoga is a part of my great plan to recapture my beach appearance for this summer! What with all the travelling I intend to do (Florida, Jamaica, Spain) I have to be shocking out iya! I won't post about the details here, but the recipe for my "best body ever" does include pumping iron four days per week, a little yoga, some aerobics, a touch of pilates, and a healthy serving of Latin dancing. Where the hell am I going to find the time and/or energy to do all this is anybody's guess...but I'm definately gonna try, because I do wanna look sexy for Spain! Of course, I'll have to get the diet in check. Fortunately I've been trying to work on this aspect for a few weeks now, so it's almost dialled in!

Anyhow, I have to run off for a while, but I'll post more tomorrow, promise!!!


Rev Island said…
Rass. Shaved armpits. You'll have to raise your hands and be Sure.
Scratchie said…
lol...ok I'll wait on the more before i comment
Unknown said…
I shaved my arm the other day. Shaving my arm is economical, as I use less ani-perspeant/deodarant. And it also looks better when I wear sleeveless shirts.

I too am in search of a better/hot body. I have made the time to go to the gym to run and pump some iron. It seems to be paying off a bit. I have also invested in some supplements and have altered my diet. All the best in your endeavors to have a better body.
Campfyah said…
A brotha doing yoga and pilates...now that's a real man for yuh.
Why not wax the arms, you'll get longer lasting results and less itch
Anonymous said…
totally metro, lol
Mad Bull said…
Hairless dogs are not my thing... nuh badda wid it! No, I'm just kidding. Do your thing, man. After all, women shave their legs and their "hum hum" (as Beenie Man seems to have christened it) and I wouldn't have it any other way... or rather, I'll take it how I get it, but I prefer it that way...
Yamfoot said…
It's so sexy when a man does Yoga and Pilates and contours his body in the positions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!