Sad Day

I'm pretty down in the dumps today; one of the greatest professors I've ever known died on Sunday. He wasn't very old (somewhere in his late 50s-early 60s), but he had been suffering from an aggressive cancer for over three years. I remember the last class I took with him around the time he began to get ill, Analysis of Algorithms. He was the only person who I knew that could make learning recurrences easy. He was the second computer science professor I had when I first started out and he made things like swapping pointers in linked lists and traversing binary search trees seem like child's play. Most of the things he taught me still stick with me today and I see much of his knowledge manifesting itself in my own flock of students. He had a great sense of humor and could turn even the dullest of lessons into a wild adventure with his deep Texan drawl and easygoing attitude. Such is life, I suppose. Those who leave their mark upon you eventually have to fade back to the earth; but he had a good life and touched the minds of many of us...a truly great professor indeed.

{Rest in Peace Dr. Henry}


Anonymous said…
Hush Angry is a road we are all travelling.

He will be missed, but he continues to touch the lives of those who he shared his knowledge with. And you in turn will do the same with your students. Dr. D.
Jdid said…
rest in peace dr henry
Mad Bull said…
He reminds me of this guy up UWI who taught accounts. The number of students for the course was really high, so two lecturers were assigned to handle the course, on a Yardie and one an African. The African was cool, but ra$$, I couldn't understand him very well becus of his accent, you know. I learnt nothing in his class.

Anyway, about 3 weeks away from the exam, the other lecturer (lets call him Mr. W.) started to do cheap extra classes for the African's students (is not me one did have a problem, and some girls in the class begged him). I attended the classes and ended up with a very respectable B+!
Respect to Mr. W.... Apparently Mr. W. had a nervous breakdown maybe two years after that and from what I've heard, he hasn't been the same since. :-(
Scratchie said…
rest in peace Dr. Henry. I'm am sure that he well be missed by those his life touched.