How do you read your blogs?

G'morning's once more snowing here in Little Big City and I'm pissed off and hurting. Pissed off beacuse of the snow and the cold (Jamaicans weren't designed for temperatures below 75 degrees says so right here on my manufacture label, wanna see it???). Hurting because I'm sufferring from the pain and stress of the previous two days worth of training. The chest aches, the biceps and triceps ache, the back feels like it got run over by a Mac truck. Heck, I'm in so much pain that this morning some dude bad-drove me and I could barely manage to raise my arm to flip him the bird (I did get it up though, no matter how bad it hurt). Oh well, the pain and soreness feels good in some weird way, it helps to remind me that I'm alive!

Anyhow, not much to do this morning, just teach one more class and prepare a test for tomorrow's class and then drive home in the snow. Cho man, mi cyaan tek dem white sprinkle sprinkle you nuh! Was reading a few blogs, managed to finally update my blogroll, and generally having a good time reading your posts. Kami wrote about a mouse in the movie theater, which was pretty amuzing :). Reminds me of the time I got into a fight with a rat a few years back. The critter was huge! Looked like it had been lifting weights and shooting up on 'roids! I remember seeing this rat just strolling leisurly across the floor of my house. I stomped my foot to scare it, and it just stopped and turned it's head at me as if to say "doan' bother me now man, I busy!", then it just kept on walking. So, I stomped my foot again and the rat responded in the same way. Of course, at this point, I was annoyed out r@$$, so I stomped and stomped and stomped (not even Kirk Franklin could "STOMP" like me!). The rat just turned around, looked at me for a second, and just started running straight towards me. You know that the damn critter had me standing on the chair which I was sitting on for 5 minutes!!! Never again will I mess with a rat!

Anyhow, I've digressed from my point...before my mind strayed, I was saying that I really enjoy reading all y'allz blogs and sometimes I really wish that you folks had more mundane things to write about! It would give me an excuse to ignore your entries, but my God, there is so much talent in the community that one can't help but read each and every blog on his blogroll on a daily basis!! How do you all cope with all that blog-reading? Drop me a comment and lemme know!


Melody said…
Angry, ah can't find mi own label, :) I've got to search some more. Ah wonder what that rat was plannin' to do if him did catch yu? Then again, it too frightful to imagine!! Flex-time an' early-mornin' readin' help wif de Bloggin'; all de Blogs really are addictive fe true.
Angry Dog said…
Keep looking Melody, you'll find the tag someday--though it might've gotten torn off during washing :). Well, I really don't know what the rat would've done to me...probably cut my throat or worse!
Jdid said…
so wait you working out so you can go back for round 2 with the juiced up rat?

my blogroll is getting too long, lol. Naa somehow I find the time to check everyone at least once a day
Abeni said…
AD.Sometimes,I don't get a chance to read them all daily but I make up the next day.I find all those in my blog world very intersting also and it nice to get the different views.
Angry Dog said…
Well JDid, I really didn't want to tell the entire blog community that I was training to go after the rat, but since you brought it up, I can't hide it no more! Abeni, I totally agree with you about the varying perspectives...I learn so much from reading your blogs!
Anonymous said…
Cowl eh. No tanks my yute! London did bad enough fe me.

Rats....hate those mofos and fraid o dem to. They got attitude like you seh. Gives me great pleasure to see dem dead and lifeless when de poison get dem.

If you pain up dat bad maybe you should give yourself a day or two off from any heavy exercise. The soreness will eventually pass.

Blogs....try to get to the interesting ones daily. My blogroll needs updating bad bad. Plenty links need to tek down and have a few to add as well. Never mind, who I read regularly and don't have linked need not fret. Dr. D.
Scratchie said…
Only good rat is a dead rat. I tackle them with the machete. It's the only way to go.
I reach office by 7:00 most mornings so time is not an issue. I start at the bottom of my roll and work my way up I leave out JDid and Mad Bull. Then I go to Mad Bull and read his then Fyr's (Don't have her linked yet but MB does). Then I tackle JDid's last. I go to JDid last guessed it, he has plenty other links that I don't have on mine so I just keep going back and forth from JDid to the others. Nice system and it works.
Anonymous said…
I agree with Scratchie...the only good rat is a dead rat and preferrably one that is far away from me and my home. I have already warned Popsy, the first rat that I see in this house and we are moving out the next day. Fortunately, we do not even have mice and we have been here for 12 years. We don't have roaches here either. I have only ever seen one roach in our neck (red) of the woods...and he was mightly big (for a few minutes....I did walk past him, but then thought that I was then affording him the opportunity to invade my house and so I went back and "Squished him dead!".
Anonymous said…
J-did REAL GOOD... I can't check everybody every day. I check the folks I know (in real life) first and foremost...then everybody else gets a second thought. LMAO.

Yamfoot said…
Here is what I do....

I go to my blog first (natch!), post whatever I have to post, then go to Dr D's, then Mad Bull's.

Now Mad Bull's is the anchor from which I check all other blogs. I start with Kami's, then Angry Dog's. I don't read all all the time. But there are some that I read every day. But Mad Bull has his in alphabetical order, unlike Dr D's.:)